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An informative guide on how to choose the right hosting company for your Web site.


What you need to know about selecting the right domain name to reflect your online identity.


A need to know article on locating and selecting a designer for you Web site.


This article lists the benefits for a Web site in today's market.


How to Select the Right Domain Name
by Staci Miller

You have decided to take the plunge and put a Web site on the Internet. The first and most important thing you need to do is secure the right domain name for your site. If you have an existing business, you of course will want that name, which is how local people know you. However, there are other considerations in choosing you online identity.

First rule of thumb is to keep it short and simple. In the "real world" your business name could be "Jon's Plumbing, Heating and Supply," but "Jonsplumbing" on the Web. It's short and sweet and still leaves your identity intact.

The second rule of thumb, it should describe your business. For example, if Jon's Plumbing only sold plumbing supplies a better name would be "jonsplumbingsupply."

The third rule of thumb, it should be easy to spell. I was never big on spelling and know very few people who are. If I had a nickel for every time I was asked how to spell a word or asked how to spell a certain word, I would be rich.

The fourth rule of thumb, it should be easy to type. If your fingers have to do a lot of reaching for out of the way letters or uncommon letters like "Q", chances are that a lot of mistakes will be made in typing and the intended visitor my never make it to your site.

Now you have decided on a name, which TLD (top level domain) should you use? Well, that all depends on how the site will be used. If you are doing business on the Web, .com is the logical choice. This is the most widely used and searched TLD, but if the name you have chosen is already taken (and you just have to have it), .biz or .net is also available, although, .net is normally used for technology or company networks. If your Web site is for information purposes, use .info or if it is and only if it is a nonprofit organization, use .org.

You now have the basics on choosing the right domain name for your business, but how do you know if it's available? Most companies that sale domain names also do a search on the name and will instantly let you know if the name is available. Or you can search the whois database, at


 ü .com
 ü .net
 ü .biz
 ü .org
 ü .info


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