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Selecting a Web Designer in Today's Market
by Ruth Crist


Choosing the right Web designer for development of your Web site and services will be your most critical decision for your Web presence. Your Web site represents you, your company, employees, and affiliates and for that reason, you want to present the best image possible. After all, this could be the first impression that a potential client has about your company. You want your site to represent quality, professionalism, and your targeted market. For this reason when choosing a designer, choose a professional designer and not Uncle Joe, who just happens to dabble in design.


When looking for a designer you have a choice as to whether you want a local or remote designer. Obviously with a local designer you will have face-to-face meetings, but any information you can receive face-to-face you can also receive via the Internet, fax, and phone. Start your search with the local Chamber of Commerce, in the yellow pages under "Internet Services", "Web Design", or "Technology", or search the Internet using keywords such as "Web designers", or "Web developers". Remember this is a list for you to learn about Web designers and their services. Selecting a designer, because they are local, quote the lowest price, or are recommended by a friend is a formula for dissatisfaction. The first objective is to ask questions based on your specific online business strategy and needs.


After you choose a few designers compare them. Go to their Web sites. Does it load fast? Does their site has aesthetic features? Does it look professional? Do they offer references, a portfolio, or templates? Change the resolution on your monitor. Does it display correctly? The answer to all these questions should be yes. If your designer has a quality Web site, chances are they provide the same quality to their customers.

After you have narrowed down your choices, call them. Do they speak to you in technical jargon or communicate to you on your level? Are they knowledgeable about their design process or do they "wing-it"? Are they enthusiastic about your project? Do they listen?

After you have chosen a few prospective designers, ask them for a proposal document. A good designer will have one readily available. Complete the proposal documents in detail; the more information you provide will produce more accurate results. Thus, eliminating surprises once your project is started. After you have completed the proposal, call the designer and inform them of your intention to collect bids for your project, that you are sending the proposal document, and ask them how they want it delivered. Most will want E-mail since it is quicker.

Once you have received your proposals from all the designers, read all of them carefully before you start comparing. After reviewing all the proposals, choose the ones that are the most detailed and don't appear to be thrown together in a hurry. Chances are if they throw together a proposal, they will throw together a site without the attention to the detail you require. Then look for the designer that best understands your business.

The most important characteristic of a good designer is their interest in your business and marketing plan for the Web site, your short-term goals, your vision/mission for your business, and your measures for success. They should recommend ways to optimize your site performance and analyze your return on your investment. They should consider functionality scope for future ease of maintenance. Your designer should complete your Web site as if it is project to start an operation and not a project that ends when they provide you with CD or launch Web site.

The designer should present you with a market investigation of your local competitors' Web sites as well as leaders in your industry if located in different areas. The designer should provide you with options for services or features that will add value for your customers and differentiate your Web site from your competitors.

The designer you select should have the ability to sell you a complete Web site solution based on your needs, which may include domain registration, site development, site maintenance, marketing, content management, site analysis, and hosting. If your designer can setup or provide these services for you, it will save you a lot of time and money in the long run.

And the last thing you should compare is pricing. Their quote should have no hidden charges. Don't choose a designer based on the lowest price or you could be sacrificing quality. You should select the designer that provides good value at a reasonable price. Remember, you get what you pay for and if the most qualified designer fits your budget then you should ultimately reward them with the project.

Lastly, ensure you have a mutual understanding for their level of customer service and their guarantee for their work. By this time the designer should have demonstrated their commitment to your satisfaction and reliability with prompt communications, proposal, and quote. Finally, it is your Web site, select the designer you like and will do what you want. The most important element of your Web site will be the content you provide.


Do they have a toll-free number?
Do they have a fax number?
Will they accept your content through the USPS?
Will they accept non-digitized content?
What types of payments to they accept?
Do they transfer ownership of all content to you?
Will they upload your site?
Will they train you on how to update your site?
Do they guarantee their work?
Will they outsource tasks, such as graphic work and programming in order to complete the site?
Can they meet your deadline?
Are they willing to help you find a host?
What is their grace period to making changes to the site?
How many changes can you make?

For any questions about this article or selecting a designer contact me at Look for my next article on taking responsibility for your site.


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